When Good Goals Go Bad

Richard Wiseman’s self-help debunking 59 seconds methodically reviews some of the biggest shams in the industry before laying out what actually works for improvement.  I have written on Wiseman before and even committed myself to his luck school, which produced some amazing results. (Wiseman argues that we bring our own luck into being by cognitively priming ourselves to look for opportunity). As with Luck Factor, 59 seconds packs a lot of step-by-step, how-to exercises into an incredibly informed book and also like Luck Factor – it works!

One of the things I was surprised to see evidence against was visualization. I have had success visualizing in the past, but his argument was sound. Research demonstrates that visualization can actually prevent you from realizing your goals because it undermines the likelihood of taking the actions necessary to accomplish them.

In other words, picturing where on the bookshelf your bestseller might appear, really seeing it there—the binding, the byline, the cover art—doesn’t get a lot of writing done.

His solution: a step-by-step plan to bring your goals to fruition.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Murphy Screams
    Nov 07, 2010 @ 19:30:27

    It’s been awhile since your last post. We miss you. Give us more!


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